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Laman, Tera & Mondi

Our Laman, Tera i Mondi (Sea, Land, Wilderness) collection is a loving homage to the natural beauty of the sister islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao. We believe that these breathtaking landscapes should be treasured and protected, rather than exploited for profit. From the sparkling waters of the sea to the rugged terrain of the land, and even to the untamed green wilderness beyond, this collection captures the essence of these islands in their raw, unspoiled state, as God intended.

Through our carefully crafted shimmery dainty designs, we aim to showcase the wondrous creations of God and inspire others to join us in our efforts to preserve and conserve our natural world for future generations, in accordance with the teachings of Genesis 1:26-28. We believe that our jewelry can be more than just a beautiful accessory, but a symbol of our love and gratitude for the marvelous work of God’s hand.