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David slingslot necklace. Christian statement necklace
Trust in GOD (two-sided)
Christian faith statement necklaces
David slays Goliath, slingshot necklace
Christian jewelry, inspired by the Bible.
faith-based jewelry. Scripture jewelry
Scripture based jewelry
Concept Statement

Trust in GOD (two-sided)

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Wear your Trust in God necklace as a daily reminder of all the giants you overcame and will overcome through your faith in the One who has overcome the world- Christ.

Product information:
The Trust in God necklace is reversible. It has faith-centered symbols on one side and supporting Biblical references on the other. So simply flip it over to match your look of the day. 


A word of encouragement:

God never promised us an easy journey in life. The list of things He did promise us though, is wonderful and extensive. It includes unconditional love, salvation, eternal life, protection, provision, comfort, healing, deliverance, encouragement, and God Himself going before us to fight our battles. Especially, when we are put up against giants that are trying to impede us from doing His will and becoming who He wants us to become, for His glory.

This necklace is inspired by the story of David and Goliath. David was a shepherd boy and too young to join the Israelite army. Goliath was a giant from the Philistine camp, a champion warrior who had never been beaten down before. Yet, David prevailed over the fully armored Goliath with a sling and a smooth stone; and most importantly from a heart that was completely surrendered to God. 

The biblical record of David (Psalms, 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1 King) reveals that David was an imperfect human being, just like you and me. He was a big sinner, but he was quick to repent, and he had big faith in God. He knew, loved, and trusted God wholeheartedly. As followers of Christ, we should do the same in this day and age. Listening to naysayers of little faith, is not an option. Neither is relying on our own understanding, for that too will taint our faith.  
Also, our accuser is very likely to sneak in, disguised as fear. But tell him that he's nothing but a dead liar.
Turn your eyes upon the Lord and trust in Him with your whole being. He will never leave nor forsake you.
♡ Rugeen